You can earn 50$ if you immediately withdraw money ,or ~100$ if you buy shares of company 11 and wait 1 month. Depends on your choice. Here is terms and conditions.
Submission of the survey form indicates agreement with the Terms and Conditions as stated below.
  1. I am NOT already a StockGeneration account holder.
  2. I am of legal age in my country of residence.
  3. I am aware that I will receive the $50 bonus for completing this survey correctly, or a $10 bonus if my answer to Question 6 is not correct.
  4. I am aware that I may complete the survey only ONCE.
  5. I am aware that there is a limit to TWO respondents per physical address and ONE respondent per e-mail address.
  6. I am aware that I may be asked to provide identification and a signature at the discretion of SG.
  7. I will not pass on any of the information submitted to a third person.
  8. No information submitted during completion of survey will be made available to a third party.
  9. StockGeneration reserves the right to publish portions of replies to this survey - except for names and e-mail addresses - on this web site, and on this web site only.
  10. StockGeneration accepts no responsibility or liability for any actions taken as a result of completing or attempting to complete this survey or using this server.
  11. In no event shall StockGeneration be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the completion of this survey.
  12. These TERMS AND CONDITIONS are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of StockGeneration in the future.
  13. Survey offer valid until withdrawn.
  14. Void where prohibited.
  15. No purchase necessary.
After completing the survey an account will be created for you in game with the opening balance due to you (50 USD or 10 USD). You must use all of this money to purchase shares and you are obliged to hold these shares for a minimum of two weeks. When the 2 week period expires you are free to sell all of the shares or a portion of them.

Here is correct answer to question 6: How much money could you have won if you had bought 1 USD worth of shares in Company 11 on January 1, 1998 and sold those shares on 11 August 1999?
Correct Answer: 351695.09

Please enter url of my site as answer on question 4 and when you get your account please enter my ID. Why am i asking ? Please read THOUGHTS Section of my site .
My ID: 2899948005


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